Soy pulp

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The Japanese food

Tofu is made from soybeans.The soybean is squeezed, and soybean milk is made.Soymilk becomes tofu when a coagulant such as bittern is added.Strained lees of soybean is soy pulp.If you go to the tofu maker in Japan, In some cases, it is provided free.
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Healty recipes

Soy pulp recipes are placed in the food recipe site of Japan.Innumerable recipes are displayed when you search it in a word called “healty recipes””tofu recipes”.The representative Japanese food is a dish called “deutzia(Unohana)”.It is healthy, and the nutritive value is high, too.
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Diet food

You can cook a hamburger steak and the croquette by soy pulp, too.They are lower-calorie than meat.It is ideal diet food.Soy pulp has a use except that we eat.Sizuoka Yuka Kougyou Co.,Ltd. starts manufacturing bioethanol made with soy pulp.Soy pulp may be replaced to oil in the future.
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