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Yakult and me

When my daughter catches cold, I give her Yakult.Why?It is because there was our family in that way from generation to generation.Yakult is the drink which there must be for us.I think that Yakult is registered with a world heritage another several years later.Yakult is Japanese food.
Yakult picture2

Diet in Yakult

Constipation is relieved if I drink Yakult.It is an effect of the vegetable lactic acid bacterium included in Yakult.The vegetable lactic acid bacterium has an effect of the infection prevention of immunoactive action, the discharge of the cancer-causing agent, disease-causing germs.
Yakult picture1

Frozen Yakult

In a child,I let Yakult freeze and ate.I eat using a spoon slowly.It was time of the supreme bliss.And I make a doll with a container of Yakult last.When I was given Yakult, I was fun even how many hours.It is a good memory.
Yakult to eat (8)

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