Japanese ninja

This is Ninja-food.Ninja-food is Japanese confectionery.The Japanese name is Ninja-meshi. When a current ninja was hungry, they eat this.This enables ninja-style diet.
ninjafood (7)
ninjafood (5)

That it is sold in the present times!

It is written as “Selected ingredients for a current ninja.” “This uses apple fruit juice harvested from Nagano.””This is hardware gummy to be sweet-sour, and to feel fine at. by way of explanation.
ninjafood (3)
ninjafood (1)

You become tough.

Ninja-food is like medicine when I photograph it with up.I ate.It is sweet-sour according to explanation and of food, the condition of being tough.Uhhhhh!? The taste is four kinds of grape taste and apple taste and wild grapes taste and the plum bonito taste.
manufacturing corporation;UHA Mikakuto