Thunder tofu

Healthy recipes

Thunder tofu

I cooked ‘Thunder Tofu’.It is traditional Japanese food.The origin of the name is because a sound such as the thunder comes out when it is cooked.There was not a custom to eat meat in old days in Japan.Therefore the tofu was a precious protein source for people.Tofu is still eaten frequently in Japan.
thunder tofu (2)


  • 1 block firm tofu
  • 1 tsp (5ml) grated garlic
  • 1 red pepper(Taka no Tsume)
  • 1 tbsp (15ml) salad oil
  • 1 tbsp(15ml) soy sauce
  • 1 1/2 tbsp(22.5ml) mirin(sweet sake)
  • 5g dried bonito shavings

thunder tofu (16)new2


  1. Cut the tofu into 0.8 inch cubes and set a strainer to drain for 5 minutes.
  2. thunder tofu (14)

  3. Grate the garlic.Remove a seed and cut it.Heat the salad oil,sear the red pepper and grated garlic.
  4. thunder tofu (8)new0

  5. Add the tofu,sear,add the soy sauce,mirin(sweet sake).The oil has been absorbed.
  6. thunder tofu (6)new1

  7. Serve garnished with the dried bonito shavings.
  8. thunder tofu (5)

The classic Japanese food is very healthy.