Kenchin soup

Soup recipes

Kenchin soup(2 serving)

This soup is homey Japanese food.And it is one of the shojin ryori(vegetarian cooking) recipes.Originally it is the soup which the monk practicing asceticism of the temple makes it and ate.Therefore it is very healthy.Besides, the recipe is most suitable for you who are busy because it is very easy.
kenchin soup (4)


  • 1 firm tofu
  • 1 block konjac
  • 1/2 burdock
  • 1/2 tbsp (7.5 ml) sesame oil
  • 2 cups (400 ml) dried-bonito soup stock
  • Salt, to your taste
  • Soy sauce, to your taste

kenchin soup (1)


  1. Break up the tofu by hand and place on a strainer.Let it drain for 5 minutes.
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  3. Scrape the skin of the burdock and cut into long thin shavings,then rinse in water for 10 minutes,Drain the water.
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  5. Tear the Konjac into small pieces with a spoon and boil.
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  7. Heat the sesame oil in a pot, then cook the tofu.When all the water is cooked out, add the konjac, burdock and cook until tender.
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  9. Add the soup stock and cook for 5 or 6 minutes.When the burdock is tender, add salt and soy sauce to taste.
  10. kenchin soup (9)

The burdock is rich in dietary fiber.It is most suitable to constipation-eliminating.