Curry buns

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The bread situation in Japan

Japanese likes bread.The main diet in Japan is rice, but Japanese eats the bread frequently.The consumption of the bread per one household in Japan is approximately 45 kg. After World War II, bread was offered in a school meal. Therefore a custom to eat bread spread out.Thereafter unique bread culture developed in Japan.A technique for wrapping develop in particular.
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Japanese unique buns

The Japanese bread can be split into 3 categories.It is Bread,Sweet buns,Deli buns(= sandwiches).They wrap in various food in deli buns.Curry buns are the prime example of this.There are curry buns as well as a mince cutlet and a croquette, chow mein.You are amazing even if you eat anything.Bun,Pin,Pun,Pen,Pon.What do you want to eat ? Buuuu——n !!!
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Buuuuuns Video in Japan

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