Miss Mogusa

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Maslow’s theory

Maslow’s theory states that physiological needs is the most fundamental level of requirement.It is usually presented in the shape of a pyramid with physiological needs at the bottom.The appetite is one of the physiological desires.
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Eat food just like the stealth bomber machine.

The appetite is described in this manga.The chief character is a quiet high school girl.She eats a lot a lot.She hides food in every place and eats those food without being noticed anyone.It is just like the stealth bomber machine.Anyway, Japanese food and other food which she eats look very yummy.
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It is personal preference, but I thinks that recent Madonna and Angie are skinny.In that respect, I watch the chief character of this manga and I am comfortable.Eat, eat, eat.I want to eat something, too.Her figure of eating is refreshing.
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