Restaurants with streambeds

Restaurants with streambeds(Kawadoko) are opening in Kyoto.Noryo-yuka (Noryo-doko) or the riverbed (in general, for the Kamo-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River water system), it is pronounced as ‘kawayuka;’ for Kifune or Takao in Kyoto, it is pronounced as ‘kawadoko’) is one of the poetic sceneries of the Kyoto summer.The Japanese food to eat in there is delicious.

May 30 2015

Beer garden

Beer gardens are opening in Japan.Do you know a beer garden?The funny thing about the Japanese ‘beer gardens’ is that they are not gardens at all.In Japan, the beer garden opens in the roof of the department store.Therefore, whether or not beer-gardens get a lot of customers depends on the weather.
Japanese food weekly vol59 picture1

May 30 2015

Sho-chiku-bai pocket pouch

Do you think that it is what?Sho-chiku-bai pocket pouch…It is sake.That is convenient to carry.When I watched it, I thought that it was nourishment jelly.Please be careful not to drink to much.
Japanese food weekly vol59 picture3
refer to Sho-chiku-bai pocket pouch

May 30 2015