Sea grapes

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Even if people in Japan, there are few opportunities to eat it.It is a local specialty in Okinawa.Do you know Okinawa?Located at the southwestern tip of Japan, Okinawa is a subtropical prefecture that consists of over 160 islands.It is a popular island resort.
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Caulerpa lentillifera

It is seaweed caught in Okinawa.The name is ‘Sea grapes’.The scientific name is ‘Caulerpa lentillifera’.It is called Sea caviar from the form.In old days, only people in Okinawa ate it.However, it spread out in the all over Japan because it was very delicious.There are few edible people because there is little amount of production.
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Sea grapes is rich in minerals.The mineral is necessary for us.On a diet, we lack of the mineral.Sea grapes compensate for lack of mineral.Besides, that has low calories.Please eat it if there is the opportunity when you go to Okinawa.
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