Yume-iro Patissier

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Popular occupation

In the old days, the occupation that a girl longed for was a cabin attendant.Now, they admire the patissier.I think the reason to be because they feel happiness to eat a cake.They realize happiness through a cake, and they think that an occupation to provide the happiness is patissier.
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Yume-iro Patissier

The girl of the junior high student that this manga aim at the patissier is a chief character.While she fails, a state to aim at the patissier is drawn.When you read this comic, I want to support her.There are many men who are in love with her.
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Love with chief character

There are many people who are in love with the chief character of the anime in Japan.And the people who is in love with a real person decreases.Now it has developed into a social issue.I want to be in love with a real person.Besides, you want to be in love with many people.Am I abnormal?
Yume-iro Patissier picture3

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