Dried gourd strips

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Dried gourd strips???

Dried gourd strips is a food that is produced through the process of tearing the fruits (called fukube) of cucurbitaceous yugao (a white flowered gourd) and drying them (yugao of convolvuluses family (=yorugao) is another plant with the same name).It is called Kanpyo in Japan.
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How to eat

Dried gourd strips is used with Japanese food frequently.That is used to be tied up.For example, Sometimes Oden is tied up with an ingredient like boiled dried gourd shavings.And it may be eaten as sushi.It is a type of Japanese food consisting of vinegared rice rolled around dried gourd shavings and covered with dried seaweed.
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Diet food

Dried gourd strips are rich in dietary fiber.Dried gourd strips are substituted to resemble pasta.It is Dried gourd strips pasta.Many Dried gourd strips pasta recipes are placed in the recipe website in Japan.Anything looks delicious.
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refer to http://ameblo.jp/kaiun-shoujin/entry-11357295637.html

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