Soysh Soymilk + Soda

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The soymilk is good for health.It is rich in a variety of nutrients.However, the taste is not best at all.Because an appearance resembles milk, we may misunderstand when we drink soymilk.I added sugar to make it sweet like milk, but became bad.What is the best way of drinking soymilk ?
cola flavored soy milk (3)

Rich in nourishment than soymilk.

The product which added soda to soymilk is sold in Japan.The name is ‘Soysh’.People who did not like soymilk researched and developed ‘Soysh’.Therefore it is really easy to drink.Besides, by an original manufacturing method, it is rich in nourishment than soymilk.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

‘Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd’ has produces ‘Soysh’.Otsuka Pharmaceutical has established a slogan ‘Solve global problem with a soybean.’.The slogan name is ‘Soylution'(Soy + Solution).It is ‘Soysh’ which is rich in high quality protein.May I turn into a beautiful guy if I drink it every day ? Viva, Japanese food.
refer to Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

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