Tea ceremony set

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I love Japanese food

Is it art to serve tea?I thought that it was different.I enter the small room and do seiza and drink bitter tea(Seiza:First kneel down onto the floor.Make sure the big toes are touching each other on their sides, not crossing.).It is a pain past bearing.My friends invited me to tea ceremony.I did not want to go tea ceremony.But I decided to go because I did not want to injure a friend. I participated in the tea ceremony and I was surprised.There laid a mat there at an extensive grassy plain and constructed a blind shade and was space comfortable at all.That is right. The tea ceremony is freedom.I think that it is important to enjoy without being particular about a form.I decide to buy tea ceremony set if I go home!However, the taste of the tea was bad as ever…
tea ceremony set picture2
refer to Tokyo Grand Tea Ceremony 2014

Amazon.co.jp(Amazon Japan)

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